4 years that will powerfully change your life - and through you, the lives of many more people.
Intuition is the leadership skill we cannot do without in these times of crisis, change and reinvention of humanity. The time is now.
Alexandra Sorgenicht
Next live intuition training with information on all courses and trainings: 30.01.25, 7 pm
I have found my voice. An honest, authentic, truth-loving voice that now holds workshops on trauma and the nervous system, on intuition and potential, on body connection and safe body experience. Me, the person who can hold spaces safely and neutrally and who accompanies people through their processes in a trauma-sensitive and non-judgemental way. I didn't know anything about this potential before, about the profession and vocation that lay buried under all the heaviness, just waiting to be released.
Sandra Reudenbach, intuition trainer in training. Read full reference
The highlights of your training to become an intuition trainer
Alexandra's expertise includes more than 20 years of experience as an intuition coach and more than ten years of experience in training intuition coaches.
Alexandra Sorgenicht's intuition training combines spiritual work and energy work with systemic aspects, trauma sensitivity, body work, leadership and corporate design and personal development.
Während der ersten Phase der Ausbildung besteht die Möglichkeit regelmäßig 1:1 Sessions von fortgeschrittenen Intuitionstrainer:innen, und damit Feedback auf den eigenen Prozess zu erhalten. Im zweiten und dritten Jahr finden regelmäßige Supervisionen in der Gruppe statt.
Individual alignment
Während der Ausbildung zum/zur Intuitionstrainer:in kannst du bereits erworbene Kompetenzen einbringen und ausbauen. Der Fokus während des Trainings liegt darauf, deine individuelle Vision und Stärke auszubauen und dich zu befähigen, sie zum eigenen Wohle und zum Wohle aller anzuwenden.
Peer Group / Community
The peer group plays an important role during the training period. Exchange, practice and mutual support in small groups promotes and accompanies the integration of the training content. The large community can be joined on request.
Intuition is the discipline of the new age. Intuitive intelligence is fundamental to understanding what it means to be human. It always has been, but especially in the current crisis-ridden times, in which the exponential development of AI, among other things, requires a strong human counterpart, it is indispensable. Intuition is still breathtakingly underestimated and misunderstood. But that is about to change!
An "intuitive revolution" is currently underway. Training to become an intuition trainer enables you to integrate this competence, which makes many things possible that we as humanity are currently struggling for: Peace, connection, development of potential, security, awareness - not only to integrate it into one's own life, but also to increase its effectiveness by passing it on.
Intuitive training according to Alexandra Sorgenicht
The method is based on "Intuitive Training", which originated in the USA and is particularly widespread in the Netherlands, and contains all of its elements.
The aspect of "Intuitive Life" was particularly important to me in my further development, which is the sustainable embodiment of one's very own potential through the awareness of the Highest Self that can be continuously called up in everyday life.
In over twenty years of continuous application, I have created an intuition training that encompasses the essential aspects of human life and thus enables the competence to navigate safely, connectedly and self-determinedly through this time of radical transformation of humanity. It includes systemic work, trauma sensitivity, breath work, MBSR, classical consciousness training, body work, ego state integration, aspects of business coaching, resilience education, integration of leadership skills, conscious use of mediumship and the consistent practice of the direct and creative experience of "soul living" in everyday life.
Competence gain
Bei echtem Commitment befähigt die Ausbildung dazu, Menschen einzeln oder in Gruppen in der Erfahrung und zuverlässigen Integration ihrer intuitiven Intelligenz zu trainieren. Die Absolvent:innen sind in der Lage, Energien neutral wahrzunehmen (zu „lesen) und zu bewegen. Trauma Sensibilität, Achtsamkeit, Breath Work und intuitive Coachingtechniken sind geübt und professionalisiert. Die Ethik der unbedingten spirituellen Autonomie jedes Menschen ist fest im alltäglichen Leben und Verhalten verankert. Die intuitive Ausübung von Begleitung und Führung kann so souverän wie freiheitlich ausgeübt und vorgelebt werden.
Questions? Interested? Arrange HERE a first conversation with Alexandra:
If the training clearly appeals to you, but you have little experience in energy work, other spiritual work, personal development and/or no therapy experience, I recommend to start with the basic intuitive training ROOTS AND WINGS.
Do you have any questions? Book HERE a short conversation with Alexandra.
alexandra Sorgenicht
I am Alexandra Sorgenicht, intuition expert, author, mentor and founder.
For more than twenty years, I have been helping people to become free and self-determined by (re)discovering and developing their intuitive abilities. As an entrepreneur, creative, boss, expert and spiritual teacher, I find myself in a daily field of tension whose coordinates were considered irreconcilable not so long ago. My own history and my diverse experiences as a bridge-builder between worlds have given me valuable expertise in finding my way in a fragmented world.
Today, after many years of inner work, I am very grateful for this.
30.01.2025, 7 pm
Free live webinar with Alexandra Sorgenicht.
In the live webinar, I will provide information on the two main pillars of intuition training, the training to become an intuition trainer, the basic training INTUITIVE LIFE and the two-year IntuESSENCE training. There will be plenty of room for discussion and questions.