Gift bundle | book course + signed edition


Gift bundle | book course + signed edition


The course for the book (voucher code) + a signed copy of "INTUITION - How to strengthen the voice of your soul and use it for a free and self-determined life"

Have you read my book or are in the middle of it and want to inspire someone? Then give away a voucher for the online course for the book with all 33 exercises as video instructions from me with a signed paperback edition.

Of course, you can also give yourself this bundle if you don't have the book yet and would like to buy the course and book together.

Price: 119 € plus shipping costs (delivery time approx. 1 week)


  • Reflection on an intuitive experience
  • Becoming aware of different experiences
  • A heart project always wants to live!
  • Take a look: at yourself and your life
  • Your space: a room
  • Wide space and narrow space I
  • Wide space and narrow space II
  • The space around you is not empty
  • The spiritual HELLO
  • How loaded is the divine for you?
  • Hello Mr. God - Soul contact with the divine
  • Moving foreign knowledge and rebellion
  • I am my own authority
  • Meeting at eye level
  • Connection with the earth
  • Compliments!
  • Communicate freely
  • Moving the energy of a belief
  • Say what you want to say
  • Reflection of love patterns
  • Be aware of your reactions
  • Feel as loved as you love
  • Discover relationship patterns
  • The essence of your heart space
  • Increase affinity
  • Set boundaries
  • Connection with all that is
  • Experience of will
  • Dare to be enthusiastic
  • How do you deal with the issue of trust?
  • What do you still carry with you from your teenage years?
  • Fulfill your need energetically
  • Energies support you - always

This is how it works:

  1. You buy the gift bundle officially via the store
  2. You will first receive a normal order confirmation and your invoice
  3. Within 24 hours, we will send you an e-mail with a voucher code that you or the recipient can then use to "purchase" the course via the store. This is necessary so that the correct person / e-mail address is in the system for activation on our learning platform.
  4. Within a week you will receive a parcel with the book and a gift card (with the corresponding code on it) to give as a present.
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    <p>The state of the world and the human collective is certainly enough to be defined as an adventure! How safe do you currently feel in the world?</p>

    Early bird discount until July 31: € 1,200.00