IntuESSENCE | 2-year training course


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IntuESSENCE | 2-year training course


Part-time 2-year training course

Click here to download the IntuESSENCE exposé 

The intention
Intuition is fundamental - especially in these times of crisis. At the same time, it is - still - the most underestimated and misunderstood human skill.

Not only, but especially for multipliers, for people who work with people, the elements of orientation, security, alignment, regulation and the development of sustainable visions are currently being reorganized and are gaining in urgency.

The time is ripe for combining personal development with spiritual work - at a high level, taking into account all essential aspects of being human and with a clear focus on vocation and its realization.

Intuition training according to Alexandra Sorgenicht
Alexandra Sorgenicht sees herself primarily as a bridge builder. The intuition training she has developed combines high vibrational spiritual elements such as meditation, trance work, energy, chakra and healing work with trauma work, systemic approaches, body work, classical mindfulness techniques, corporate and leadership development, ego state integration, embodiment and much more.

Alexandra Sorgenicht's intuition training focuses on the effective application of intuition in everyday life: the intuitive person, i.e. the person who lives continuously from the highest self, and the development of an intuitive life, i.e. a life in accordance with one's own true values and intuitional knowledge.

Alexandra's quality standards have not only remained the same for over twenty years, but have been steadily increasing.

Accordingly, the 2-year training aims to convey the possibility of having intuition available as a reliable compass for shaping one's own life, regardless of external circumstances, and to be able to use it for the fulfilling shaping of relationships and the realization of one's own life visions on a daily basis.

Course of the training

Per year:

  • 10 Modules Live (online)

Per quarter:

  • Completion of a web-based questionnaire to evaluate progress
  • Peer group meeting (10 participants) per group

Regular participation in intuitive live sessions (minimum 2x month)

Time required:
Per module:
Friday evening 18-21 o'clock, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm, Sunday 10 am - 1 pm

Questionnaire: Approx. 1-2 hours

Peer Group Meeting: Approx. 2-3 hours per quarter

Intuitive live sessions: Approx. 2 hours per session (incl. preparation and debriefing)

Participation requirements | Number of participants:
At least one to two years experience in personal development, consciousness work, spiritual work, other forms of intuition training, therapy experience or similar, preliminary discussion with Alexandra Sorgenicht.

Maximum 25 participants.


Total payment: € 23,800 gross with immediate payment

Payment in 4 installments: € 24,990 Gross (First installment € 6,990 and 3 further installments of € 6,000 each)

Payment in 25 installments: € 26,180 gross (First installment €2,180 and a further 24 installments of €1,000 each)

For payment in installments, please contact Elsada via

Early bird offer:
If you book by 22.08.2024, we will give you the video course "INTUITION - the course for the book" and two of the new in-depth video trainings that will be released in August as a gift for your commitment.


Additional information

Participant status

Starter:in, Repeater:in

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