Part-time 2-year training course with Alexandra Sorgenicht

Start: 14.02.2025

Intuition is the leadership skill we cannot do without in these times of crisis, change and reinvention of humanity. The time is now.

Alexandra Sorgenicht

Next live webinar with Alexandra Sorgenicht: 11.10.24, 7 pm

IntuESSENCE provides all the tools, insights and experience you need to integrate your INTUITION sustainably and successfully into all areas of your life. Leadership, guidance and the implementation of visions will succeed intuitively.

The highlights of your 2-year training


You have the expertise of more than 20 years of intuition training at your disposal.


The exercises can be integrated directly into everyday life, and the self-learning time between training sessions can be made very or moderately intensive according to individual needs.


The workbook gives you a framework in which you can reflect on the experiences of each week, record them and take them further.

Intuitive sessions

It is possible to receive intuitive sessions at appropriate intervals from the trainers in training who accompany the two-year training program

Learning platform

The content is available to you as a video or audio recording after the training sessions.


The basic training is available to you indefinitely and you can repeat, deepen or refresh certain aspects at any time.


You can join a community group if you wish.


Intuition is fundamental - especially in these times of crisis. At the same time, it is - still - the most underestimated and misunderstood human skill.

Not only, but especially for multipliers, for people who work with people, the elements of orientation, security, alignment, regulation and the development of sustainable visions are currently being reorganized and are gaining in urgency.

The time is ripe for combining personal development with spiritual work - at a high level, taking into account all essential aspects of being human and with a clear focus on vocation and its realization.

Intuition training according to Alexandra Sorgenicht

The method includes all the essential elements of "Intuitive Training", which originated in the USA.

In my further development, the aspect of "intuitive life" was particularly important to me, which is the sustainable embodiment of one's very own potential through the awareness of the Highest Self that can be continuously called up in everyday life.

In over twenty years of continuous application, I have created an intuition training that encompasses the essential aspects of human life and thus enables the competence to navigate safely, connectedly and self-determinedly through this time of radical transformation of humanity. It includes systemic work, trauma sensitivity, breath work, MBSR, classical consciousness training, body work, ego state integration, aspects of business coaching, resilience building, integration of leadership skills, conscious use of mediumship and the consistent practice of the direct and creative experience of "soul living" in everyday life.

Do you have any questions? Arrange HERE a short conversation with Alexandra:

The training is suitable for you if you:


If the training clearly appeals to you, but you have little experience in energy work, other spiritual work, personal development and/or no therapy experience, I recommend the basic intuition training ROOTS AND WINGS.

Do you have any questions? Arrange HERE a short conversation with Alexandra.

The two-year training - and then?

After completing the training, you will be able to intuitively read any situation, especially yourself in any situation.

You make a clear distinction between reactions on a personality level and the much broader, intuitive perspective of the soul. You have an attitude of inherent authority that conveys neutrality, ownership and clarity.

In leadership, counseling and/or therapeutic situations, you are present on a whole new level. You can offer customers, employees, colleagues and clients guidance and support beyond the psychological and personal spectrum of possibilities, always with a factual and down-to-earth orientation.

You can train to become an intuition trainer according to Alexandra Sorgenicht directly after the two-year training. You are welcome to attend the open events indefinitely to stay in practice and take advantage of the supervision provided by Alexandra and the trainers she has trained.

All three units at a glance

  • M01 Intuitive perception I
  • M02 Intuitive perception II
  • M03 Intuitive perception III
  • M04 The principle of ownership I Neutrality
  • M05 The principle of ownership II Family
  • M06 The principle of ownership III Karma
  • M07 Trauma and spirituality
  • M01 Intuitive healing I
  • M02 Intuitive healing II
  • M03 Heal the Healer
  • M04 Neurophysiology and energy work
  • M05 Development processes: Recognizing and accompanying phases
  • M06 Intuitive reading of energies I
  • M07 Intuitive reading of energies II
  • M01 Intuitively recognize and resolve internal and external conflicts
  • M02 (Self)responsibility for the intuitive life
  • M03 Intuitive leadership
  • M04 Experience and integrate the transpersonal level of being
  • M05 Commitment soul path
  • M06 Radical self-care
  • M07 Final performance and celebrations

Dates & Details

Start: February 14, 2025

The training is led by Alexandra Sorgenicht. Co-trainers are Jana Winterhalter and Alexander Brungert.

Next Q&A: 10.10.2024

Per year:

  • 10 modules live (online). One module includes Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday

Per quarter:

  • Completion of a web-based questionnaire to evaluate the process
  • Peer group meeting (approx. 4 participants)
  • Regular participation in intuitive live sessions (at least twice a month)
  • Per module: Friday evening 18-21 h, Saturday 10-16 h, Sunday 10-13 h
  • Questionnaire: Approx. 1-2 hours
  • Peer group meeting: minimum 2-3 hours per quarter
  • Intuitive live sessions: Approx. 2 hours per session (incl. preparation and debriefing)

    It is possible to receive intuitive sessions at appropriate intervals from the trainers in training who accompany the two-year training program
  • At least one to two years experience in personal development, consciousness work, spiritual work, other forms of intuition training, therapy experience or similar, preliminary discussion with Alexandra Sorgenicht.
  • Maximum 25 participants.

Agree HERE a short preliminary talk with Alexandra Sorgenicht.

Download HERE to download the PDF with all information about the 2-year IntuEssence training.

alexandra Sorgenicht

I am Alexandra Sorgenicht, intuition expert, author, mentor and founder.

For more than twenty years, I have been helping people to become free and self-determined by (re)discovering and developing their intuitive abilities. As an entrepreneur, creative, boss, expert and spiritual teacher, I find myself in a daily field of tension whose coordinates were considered irreconcilable not so long ago. My own history and my diverse experiences as a bridge-builder between worlds have given me valuable expertise in finding my way in a fragmented world.

Today, after many years of inner work, I am very grateful for this.

11.10.2024, 7 p.m.

Free live webinar with Alexandra Sorgenicht.

In the live webinar, I will provide information on the two main pillars of intuition training, the basic training ROOTS AND WINGS and the two-year IntuESSENCE training. There will be plenty of room for discussion and questions.

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