Training Intense THE WHOLE PICTURE | 1:1 with Alexandra Sorgenicht

THE WHOLE PICTURE is the intimate, intensive and self-determined conversation with your soul.
Free spots from March 2025


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Training Intense THE WHOLE PICTURE | 1:1 with Alexandra Sorgenicht


Enlightenment training THE WHOLE PICTURE

"Happiness consists in living like the whole world and yet being like no one else." Simone de Beauvoir

THE WHOLE PICTURE is the intimate, intensive and self-determined conversation with your soul.

We start with 22 sessions in which you take ownership of your current incarnation in a completely new way. Every month, I will accompany you through two intensive exploration of all aspects that have made up your soul history up to now and continue to do so.
You experience the three aspects of your trinity, the heart level, the human consciousness and your soul consciousness, each individually and integrated.

Karma healing
In the Training Intense THE WHOLE PICTURE you will gain a deep insight into the mechanisms of creating your reality.
I accompany you through the different levels of time, space and creation memories. You will not only explore and resolve your karma, you will also examine all aspects of your soul path to date and have the opportunity to finally say goodbye to all energies that are not (or no longer) in tune with you and are blocking your soul path.

High vibration, real life - intuitive life
THE WHOLE PICTURE is an intensive training for advanced energy workers. Especially in the last third of the intensive training, when multiple inner spaces have already been cleansed and taken into ownership, we focus on life in the inseparable unity of human being and soul.

You receive competence, insight and tools for your lived enlightenment - for your intuitive life.

Details and procedure

  • I open two to six slots a year for THE WHOLE PICTURE.
  • The Training Intense program lasts approximately two years.
  • The 22 modules are divided into two monthly online sessions of approx. 60 - 90 minutes each
  • Please note: Because THE WHOLE PICTURE follows your own soul plan, it is quite possible that you will need additional modules to the 22 sessions included in the booking until completion, these will be billed separately after completion of the Training Intense.
  • Prerequisite: You have already completed several years of training in energy work and work as a spiritual teacher, coach or trainer or have experience of leading groups in another context.
  • THE WHOLE PICTURE is a 1:1 training session with Alexandra Sorgenicht
  • Costs for the regular 22 sessions: € 6,600.00
  • Cost per additional module: € 300.00

Free slots from March 2025.

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